Konavle, February 17, 2017 and Cavtat, March 10, 2017
Animated film "Fire is no joke" in Konavle
The animated film "Fire is no joke" as part of the Little School of the same name was shown to the pupils from the first to fourth grade in Elementary School of Cavtat, the Branch Schools of Čilipi and Močići and children in Kindergartens of Konavle in Čilipi on February 17, 2017 and in Cavtat on March 10, 2017. Stjepan Simović, the commander of the Fire Brigade of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, helped to organize the Little School.
The workshop was attended by about 300 children that showed great interest and knowledge of the causes and ways of extinguishing forest fires.The children were delighted by dormouse Matko who rescued a little hedgehog in the forest fire. But he also leads them through the story of the destruction of forest animals, the negative weather influences on the soil (strong wind and heavy rain), long-term forest restoration and the return of animals to the woods. Unfortunately, these themes are close to children from Konavle because they often encounter wildfires, and their fathers, uncles or their relatives are often firefighters.
A pleasant and warm atmosphere was especially at the Močići branch school, with only 17 pupils, who were very pleased with the obtained educational material. The teacher encouraged the pupils to remember what they learned about forest fires from the subject Nature and Society, and they showed enviable knowledge. She praised our animated film that touched child's soul.
A special impression was given to us by the youngest three and four-year-olds from the kindergarten in Čilipi, who followed the animated film very carefully and later answered our questions very well. We did not expect so much knowledge from so little children. This was confirmation that our animated film is a great way to show children the causes and consequences of catastrophic forest fires.
Višnja Vučetić, PhD
Children of Kindergarten of Konavle in Čilipi on February 17, 2017
Pupils of Elementary School of Cavtat on February 17, 2017
Pupils of Branch School of Čilipi, February 17, 2017
Pupils of Branch School of Močići, February 17, 2017