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Agrometeorological station in Jazbina

From April of 2017 to November of 2018 at Experimental station Jazbina of Agricultural Faculty of University of Zagreb a set of agrometeorological measurements was performed within FIrst MicrOmeteorological research within CROatian-HUNgarian collaboration (FIMO-CROHUN) and VITiculture and CLimate Change in Croatia (VITCLIC) projects.

The mesurement station was set up by employees of the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb and members of the Croatian Agrometeorological Society: senior technician Damir Ptičar, Assist. Prof. Željko Večenaj and Prof. Branko Grisogono in colaboration with colleagues from Meteorological Department of Eötvös Lorànd University of Budapest.

The instruments were set up in the rows of grape vines in the vineyard of Experimental station Jazbina.

Meteorological instruments

The measurements were performed at 3 levels with 25 instruments and a total of 32 sensors.


  • Campbell Scientific CR23X datalogger 1 x Thermocouple Type-E (ref, in box)

  • 3 x Campbell CS616 soil-moisture sensor (5 cm, 40 cm i 100 cm depth)

  • 1x Campbell 237-L Leaf-Wetness Grid

  • 4 x Campbell T107 Temperature Probes (2 cm, 5 cm, 40 cm i 100 cm depth)

  • 1 x Campbell IRTS-P infrared thermometer (80 cm above ground)

  • 2 x Hukseflux HFP01 heat-flux plate (8 cm), self-calibrated

  • 1 x Young rain gauge

In the canopy (80 cm):

  • 2 x Kipp & Zonen SUV5 UV Radiometer

  • 2 x YOUNG Model 41382 RH/T probe with radiation shield

  • 2 x Gill WindMaster 3D Anemometer, 1Hz

  • Campbell Scientific CR-3000 data logger, solar powered, 3G modem


  • 2m Kipp & Zonen CNR1 – 4 component NET radiometer

  • Kipp&Zonen PQS1 PAR sensor

  • Vaisala HMP 45 T/RH sensor

  • 4m Vaisala HMP 45 T/RH sensor

  • Vaisala WAA15A 2D cup anemometer

  • 10m Gill WindMaster 3D anemometer, 10Hz


The main goal of the measurements and follow up research was the influence of defoliation on development of grape berries. The instruments for that purpose were set up in the level of the grapes with sampling frequency of 1 sec. The measured parameters were:

  • air temperature and relative humidity

  • total UV( UVA+UVB) radiation

  • wind speed and direction

Those measurements were preformed for VITCLIC project on two sites in one row of the vineyard, the treated and the control site. During 15 months of measurements 97% of avaliable data was collected.

In FIMO-CROHUN project measurements were performed for the calculation of surface energy budget. The sampling frequency varied from 10 min, 1 min, 1 sec to 10 Hz because of the different time scales of the proceses monitored.

The measured parameters were:

  • soil temperature at 2 cm, 5 cm, 40 cm i 100 cm depth

  • soil moisture at 5 cm, 40 cm i 100 cm depth

  • soil heat-flux at 8 cm depth

  • percipitation amount

  • air temperature and relative humidity at 2m

  • NET radiation (incoming and outgoing short and long wave radiation) at 2m

  • air temperature and relative humidity at 4m

  • horizontal wind speed at 4m

  • horizontal and vertical wind speed at 10m

In the first 2017 year of measurements 90% of avaliable data was collected. In the second year, due to technical difficulties, about 60% of avaliable data was collected.

It is important to emphasize that these were the first meaurements of this type in Croatia and that the results will reflect on the wine quality and on future research. (e.g. graduate papers, diploma works and PhD theses and scientific articles)

It should also be noted that for the FIMO-CROHUN project these were the prototype measurements that should be improved for future research within multidisciplinary project Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project over the Pannonian Basin (PANNEX).


 Measurements in the level of the grapes

 Agrometeorological station in Jazbina


 Damir Ptičar, Assist. Prof. Željko Večenaj, Ph. D. and Full Prof. Branko Grisogono, Ph. D.




HAgMD @ 2014.