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AGROMETEOROLOGY AT THE SERVICE OF THE USERS – "Agriculture and vegetation protection against fires under the impact of extreme meteorological events"

Agriculture and forestry are primary activities and are strategically important for each country, and the most vulnerable are climate change. Therefore, it is important to objectively inform the public and show that the observed climate change in Croatia affects agricultural production and the potential risk of wildfires. We are witnesses how much the December 2017 and January 2018 were unusually warm, and February 2018 it cold that will certainly affect agricultural production. In recent years, more and more dry winters are becoming more frequent. Because of the deficit of rainfall in winter, soil is not wet in the spring, and then agricultural works are just beginning. Ignition of plant residue increases the incidence of wildfires, especially in the interior of Croatia. For example, it was in Northwestern Croatia in March 2012, but the situation was repeated in March last year.


HAgMD @ 2014.