Vrhovac near Ozalj, June 4, 2022
Days of open associations
At the invitation of the Voluntary Firefighting Society Vrhovac, the President of the Society, Prof. Ph.D. D. Barčić participated in the Days of Open Associations in Vrhovac. Presenting the animated film "Fire is not a joke" children of school and preschool age were also given a children's comic book. It was also an opportunity to present 10 years of work and activities of the Croatian Agrometeorological Society.
Mr. Nikola Kolar, a retired pilot - captain of civil aviation and firefighting aircraft and a resident of Vrhovac, gave an interesting lecture about his life's journey and activities in the field of firefighting. DVD Vrhovac has been operating since 1952 under the auspices of the Ozalj Fire Department and this year marked 70 years of continuous operation. The company has 131 members and since its foundation, they have been one of the main carriers of activities in Vrhovac. This year's DVD Vrhovac Open Day was organized in cooperation with the Croatian Agrometeorological Society from Zagreb and the KA-9 team from Karlovac, and the program is adapted to preschool and school age.
Dr. Damir Barčić