Structure of members of HAgMD
Croatian Agrometeorological Society is established by the 24 founders of meteorological, agricultural and forestry profession. Today, HAgMD makes 78 members, where the representation of women is slightly lower, 36 compared to 41 men. Almost all members are highly educated. Society makes a total of 33 meteorologists, 29 agronomists, 12 foresters, two hydrologists and two agrometeorological technicians. Among them there are 37 doctors of science (13 professors, three associate and seven assistant professors as well as two scientific advisors, one senior research associate and three research associates) and five with master's degree of science. The rest of the 34 members have diploma in physics, agriculture and forestry. Also, there are a bachelor and a member of the secondary education. Most members come from the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ), actually 12 of them. Seven members come from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, six each come from the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Agrobiothecnicial sciences in Osijek, four members come from Faculty of Forestry, four members are retired, and two members from the College of Agriculture in Križevci. One each come from a variety of related institutions. We like to say that we have combined the experience of the older and enthusiasm of the youth. This brief statistical overview shows the concentration of knowledge pooled into one society.